Example: My second theme


    Here's the second example of how to create a theme for Bludit from scratch, including CSS, Javascript, and support for plugins.

    This one is called Mars.

    If you are not interested in the tutorial, you can download the source code of the Mars theme.

    Folder structure

    Create the folder for the theme inside the /bl-themes/ folder; the path should look like this: /bl-themes/mars/.

    Next, create the languages, CSS, and JS folders:

    • Create the folder languages inside the folder /bl-themes/mars/
    • Create the folder css inside the folder /bl-themes/mars/
    • Create the folder js inside the folder /bl-themes/mars/

    Name and information

    Create a file with the theme information. The file will be in the root theme folder, and should be named metadata.json. It should include the following JSON code:

        "author": "Bludit",
        "email": "",
        "website": "",
        "version": "1.0",
        "releaseDate": "2019-01-01",
        "license": "MIT",
        "compatible": "3.0",
        "notes": ""

    Create another file called en.json, with the name and description of the theme. Put it in the /bl-themes/mars/languages/ folder, with the following JSON code:

            "name": "Mars",
            "description": "This is my second theme for Bludit."


    Let's work on the index.php file; create the file inside the /bl-themes/mars/ folder, with the following HTML code:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">

    CSS files

    Add some CSS files:

    • Using the Helper object Theme::css()
    • or using the HTML tag <link href="..." rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

    In this case, we are going to use the Helper to add the CSS file /bl-themes/mars/css/style.css. With the Helper, you don't need to specify the absolute path.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <!-- CSS -->
        <?php echo Theme::css('css/style.css') ?>

    Javascript files

    Add some Javascript files:

    • Using the Helper object Theme::js()
    • or using the HTML tag <script>...</script>

    In this case, we are going to use the Helper to add the Javascript file /bl-themes/mars/js/mars.js. With the Helper you don't need to specify the absolute path.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <!-- CSS -->
        <?php echo Theme::css('css/style.css') ?>
        <!-- Javascript -->
        <?php echo Theme::js('js/mars.js') ?>

    Add Plugin Support

    To add support for plugins, you can use the helper Theme::plugins().

    The plugin hooks for the site are as follows:

    • siteHead contains all the plugins, and returns code inside the <head>...</head> tags.
    • siteBodyBegin contains all the plugins, and returns code inside the <body>...</body> tags at the top. You could use it for a welcome banner, or some tool bar for the top of the page.
    • siteBodyEnd contains all the plugins, and returns code inside the <body>...</body> tags at the bottom, such as JavaScript code.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <!-- CSS -->
        <?php echo Theme::css('css/style.css') ?>
        <!-- Javascript -->
        <?php echo Theme::js('js/mars.js') ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteHead -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteHead') ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteBodyBegin -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyBegin') ?>
        <!-- Here all the rest of HTML code -->
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteBodyBegin -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyEnd') ?>

    Site logo, title and slogan

    You can use the Site-Object to get the logo, title and slogan.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <!-- CSS -->
        <?php echo Theme::css('css/style.css') ?>
        <!-- Javascript -->
        <?php echo Theme::js('js/mars.js') ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteHead -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteHead') ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteBodyBegin -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyBegin') ?>
        <img src="<?php echo $site->logo() ?>" alt="" width="128">
        <h1><?php echo $site->title() ?></h1>
        <h2><?php echo $site->slogan() ?></h2>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteBodyBegin -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyEnd') ?>

    Where Am I

    Now let's work with the content of the site.

    To locate what page the user is browsing on the site, you can use the variable $WHERE_AM_I. For example, if the user is viewing a page, the value of the variable has the string page, and if the user is viewing the front page (home page) the value of the variable is going to be home.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <!-- CSS -->
        <?php echo Theme::css('css/style.css') ?>
        <!-- Javascript -->
        <?php echo Theme::js('js/mars.js') ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteHead -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteHead') ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteBodyBegin -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyBegin') ?>
        <h1><?php echo $site->title() ?></h1>
        <h2><?php echo $site->slogan() ?></h2>
        <?php if ($WHERE_AM_I=='page'): ?>
            <p>The user is watching a particular page</p>
        <?php elseif ($WHERE_AM_I=='home'): ?>
            <p>The user is watching the homepage</p>
        <?php endif ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteBodyBegin -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyEnd') ?>

    Main Content

    If the user is on the home page, Bludit generates a global array $pages with all the published pages. Each page is a Page Object.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <!-- CSS -->
        <?php echo Theme::css('css/style.css') ?>
        <!-- Javascript -->
        <?php echo Theme::js('js/mars.js') ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteHead -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteHead') ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteBodyBegin -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyBegin') ?>
        <h1><?php echo $site->title() ?></h1>
        <h2><?php echo $site->slogan() ?></h2>
        <?php if ($WHERE_AM_I=='page'): ?>
            <p>The user is watching a particular page</p>
        <?php elseif ($WHERE_AM_I=='home'): ?>
            <?php foreach ($content as $page): ?>
                <h3><?php echo $page->title(); ?></h3>
            <?php endforeach ?>
        <?php endif ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteBodyBegin -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyEnd') ?>

    If the user is viewing a particular page, Bludit generates a global Page-Object $page. In this example, we are going to print the title and the content.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <!-- CSS -->
        <?php echo Theme::css('css/style.css') ?>
        <!-- Javascript -->
        <?php echo Theme::js('js/mars.js') ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteHead -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteHead') ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteBodyBegin -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyBegin') ?>
        <h1><?php echo $site->title() ?></h1>
        <h2><?php echo $site->slogan() ?></h2>
        <?php if ($WHERE_AM_I=='page'): ?>
            <h3><?php echo $page->title(); ?></h3>
        <?php elseif ($WHERE_AM_I=='home'): ?>
            <?php foreach ($pages as $page): ?>
                <h3><?php echo $page->title(); ?></h3>
            <?php endforeach ?>
        <?php endif ?>
        <!-- Load plugins with the hook siteBodyBegin -->
        <?php Theme::plugins('siteBodyEnd') ?>
    Download the source code of the Mars theme.