Translate a theme


    Each theme has a folder languages, inside this folder you can create the different dictionaries files for each language.

    File Encoding
    All dictionary files are JSON files, and are encoded in UTF-8.

    This is an example of an English dictionary file (en.json). Each line in the en.json file is a key-value pair, with the key on the left and the value on the right.

            "name": "Pure",
            "description": "Simple and clean, based on the framework Pure.css."

    As you can see, you have a field called theme-data, this has the name and description of the theme.

    This is an example of a Spanish dictionary; the file is located in /bl-themes/{THEME_NAME}/languages/es.json.

            "name": "Pure",
            "description": "Simple y minimalista, basado en el framework Pure.css."