Custom fields



    Custom fields allow the user to add fields to the content database; The custom fields appear in the admin panel interface when you create or edit content.

    Quick example

    Add a custom field called subtitle. Go to:

    Admin panel > Sidebar > Settings > General > Custom fields

    Add the following JSON text into the textarea and click in the button "Save".

        "subtitle": {
            "type": "string",
            "placeholder": "Subtitle for the page"

    Now create a new page. Go to:

    Admin panel > Sidebar > New content

    By default the custom fields appear in the options of the page. Go to:

    Options > Custom

    As you can see there is a new field requesting a "Subtitle for the page", complete the field with some text and click again in the button "Options" to hide the menu, complete the "Title" and "Content" and click on the button "Save" to create the new page.

    The new page has a custom field called subtitle and you can print the value from the theme. For example.

        echo "The title of the page is " . $page->title();
        echo "The subtitle of the page is " . $page->custom('subtitle');


    The structure is defined in the JSON format, and supports the following keys:

    • (required) type: Type of the custom field, supported values (string, bool).
    • (optional) label: The label for the custom field.
    • (optional) tip: Small text for the user to describe the custom field.
    • (optional) default: Default value for the custom field.
    • (optional) placeholder: Small text inside the field.
    • (optional) position: Position in the editor, supported values (top, bottom). Default value is empty and the field apper in "Editor > Options > Custom".

    Add custom fields

    To add custom fields go to:

    Admin panel > Sidebar > Settings > General > Custom fields

    To define custom field, you need to generate a JSON structure. Check out the following examples:

    Custom field as string and the key name youtube:

        "youtube": {
            "type": "string",
            "label": "YouTube",
            "tip": "Write the YouTube URL."

    Custom field as boolean and the key name inStock:

        "inStock": {
            "type": "bool",
            "label": "In Stock",
            "tip": "Select this field if you have stock."

    Two custom fields with different types.

        "product": {
            "type": "string",
            "label": "Product",
            "tip": "Write the product name."
        "inStock": {
            "type": "bool",
            "label": "In Stock",
            "tip": "Select this field if you have stock."

    Three custom fields with different types and different position in the editor.

        "product": {
            "type": "string",
            "placeholder": "Product name",
            "position": "top"
        "inStock": {
            "type": "bool",
            "tip": "Select this field if you have stock.",
            "position": "top"
        "imageURL": {
            "type": "string",
            "placeholder": "Image URL",
            "position": "bottom"

    Get custom field

    The class page provides the method custom(), which returns the value of the field.

    The following example prints the value of the field youtube from the above example.

        echo $page->custom('youtube');

    Check the boolean value from the field inStock from the above example.

        if ($page->custom('inStock')) {
            echo "There is stock!";
        } else {
            echo "No more products";

    Delete custom field

    To delete a custom field you just need to remove the entry from the JSON structure. The custom fields are not completely deleted from the database when you do this, but they are invalidated.

    If you want to remove all custom fields, just set an empty JSON in the textarea, as following:


    Plugin "Custom fields parser"

    This plugin allows you to parse the page content and change it for extra code.

    Let do an example with YouTube videos and embed code.

    Add a custom field called youtube. Go to:

    Admin panel > Sidebar > Settings > General > Custom fields

    Add the following JSON text to the textarea and click in the button "Save".

        "youtube": {
            "type": "string",
            "placeholder": "Write a YouTube video embed link",
            "label": "YouTube"

    Activate the plugin Custom fields parser.

    Admin panel > Sidebar > Plugins > Custom fields parser > Activate

    Edit the plugin settings, you can see there is a textarea for the custom field youtube, add the following iframe for the custom field.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="{{ value }}" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    The variable {{ value }} contains the value from the custom field defined on the page.

    Create a new page and write a YouTube link in the custom field youtube.

    Admin panel > Sidebar > New content > Options > Custom > YouTube

    Add the following YouTube embed link.

    Now in the content of the page, you can define where will be the YouTube embed video, for example:

    Hello, this is my first YouTube video.
    {{ youtube }}

    After that, you can go to the new page and see how the embed video appears inside the page. Now you can create a new page and set a different YouTube link and the parse will show the embed code with the video.

    This plugin avoids change the embed code on each page where you have an embed video.