Admin panel: Controller and View via plugins


    Bludit provides an easy way to create a controller and view for the admin panel via plugins.

    This feature is implemented since Bludit v3.13


    • Bludit by default use Bootstrap for the styling, you can use it in the admin view.
    • The endpoint to reach the admin view is /admin/plugin/<plugin-name>

    Example: Hello world!

    The following plugin changes the metadata <title> and the view returns a simple Hello world!.

    After activate the plugin you can reach the view

    class Hello extends Plugin {
        public function adminController()
            global $layout;
            $layout["title"] = "Hello Plugin | Bludit";
        public function adminView()
            return 'Hello world!';
        public function adminSidebar()
            $pluginName = Text::lowercase(__CLASS__);
            $url = HTML_PATH_ADMIN_ROOT.'plugin/'.$pluginName;
            $html = '<a id="current-version" class="nav-link" href="'.$url.'">Hello world</a>';
            return $html;

    Example: Change settings via form

    The following plugin has the ability to change the settings of Bludit. The view shows a form and the controller manages the POST method.

    After activate the plugin you can reach the view from here

    class CustomAdmin extends Plugin {
        public function adminController()
            // Check if the form was sent
            if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') {
                global $site;
        public function adminView()
            // Token for send forms in Bludit
            global $security;
            $tokenCSRF = $security->getTokenCSRF();
            // Current site title
            global $site;
            $title = $site->title();
            // HTML code for the form
            $html = '
                <form method="post">
                <input type="hidden" id="jstokenCSRF" name="tokenCSRF" value="'.$tokenCSRF.'">
                <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="title">Site title</label>
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="title" name="title" value="'.$title.'">
                <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>
            return $html;
        public function adminSidebar()
            $pluginName = Text::lowercase(__CLASS__);
            $url = HTML_PATH_ADMIN_ROOT.'plugin/'.$pluginName;
            $html = '<a id="current-version" class="nav-link" href="'.$url.'">Custom Admin Form</a>';
            return $html;

    You can download the full example plugin from here: